Iced coffee is a preferred drink to many, whether it’s summer or winter. And if you happened to be one of those people, you’ll be surprised at how easy it actually is to make your favorite iced coffee drinks at home.

This post will be specifically answering questions about Nespresso and how to use it to make your iced coffee drinks. If you have a Nespresso machine (Vertuo or OriginalLine), or thinking of buying one, keep reading to find the answer to your question.

Can Nespresso Brew Cold? Does It Make Iced Coffee?

Making iced coffee is the same as making hot coffee, only difference is, you add ice to it. So, you can pretty much use any coffee or espresso maker to make your iced coffee. That said, let’s answer the original question…

Does Nespresso brew cold? As in… can the coffee come out of the machine cold?

No, not Nespresso nor any other coffee maker can do that. Simply because coffee grounds will not produce any coffee instantly if cold water is used. It needs hot water for the coffee to be brewed and extracted.

How do you make Iced coffee, then?

You’ll brew your espresso shot or coffee hot as usual, then add ice cubes to cool it down. Other ingredients like milk or cream should be cold, too.

How Do You Make Cold Coffee with Nespresso Vertuo?

If you already have a Nespresso Vertuo and you want to make iced coffee, the steps are the same as making your hot coffee. Brew your favorite capsule into a cup (a tall glass is recommended), then add the ice cubes, milk, syrups and whatever ingredients you like.

I would recommend you use Nespresso’s Over Ice capsules if available to you. I know those are usually limited edition and only come out in the summer time, but if you have a favorite our of these, it is worth it to stash as many as you can.

Why use Over Ice Vertuo capsules? As you know, Vertuo machines are equipped with a barcode reader that adjusts the speed and temperature of brewing to optimal setting of each pod you are brewing. When using an Over Ice capsule, the machine will actually brew the pod as a lower temperature, which produced a better flavor as iced coffee.

Do Nespresso Iced Coffee Pods Come Out Cold?

No, none of the Over Iced coffee capsules will come out cold. Iced Leggero included!

Over Iced coffee pods contain medium roasted blends that will taste pleasant and smooth when chilled. Whether you want to add milk to it or not.

For Vertuo machines, Over Ice capsules will be either double-espresso or coffee size pods. And the machine will brew the capsules using lower water temperature. Not cold, but slightly lower temperature. But if you ask me, I personally have not noticed any real difference.

As for OriginalLine pods, they will be espresso capsules. Since OriginalLine machines don’t have adjustable temperature settings, they will brew hot as usual.

How Do You Use Nespresso Iced Coffee Pods

There are no special instructions for using iced coffee pods. Brew them as you would any other capsule and enjoy!

How Do You Make Milk Cold in Nespresso Machine?

If your Nespresso came with an Aeroccino, Nespresso’s milk frother, you can easily use it to make cold milk froth for your iced coffee.

If you have an Aeroccino 3, which is what most Nespresso machines bundled with, press the button for two seconds and you’ll notice it turned blue, indicating it is frothing cold milk.

If you have an Aeroccino 4, which is sold separately, it is even easier. The Aeroccino 4 has an independent button for each froth option. You’ll find the selection for cold foam last thing on the left. Press the button and the machine will get to work.

If you happen to have a Lattissima, which has an integrated milk frother, then unfortunately, there’s no option for you to adjust the temperature of your milk froth.

Which Nespresso Is Best for Iced Coffee?

Assortment by Nespresso UK

This question bears two meanings:

If you’re asking which Nespresso machine would be best for Iced coffee, then the simple answer would be ANY of them! I would suggest two things, however:

  • If you drink your iced coffee with milk, always bundle your purchase with an Aeroccino.

Now, if you mean, which type of Nespresso capsule works best for iced coffee, here are some recommendations: (of course, all these recommendations will vary to taste).

Capsule Recommendation For OriginalLine Machines

DrinkCapsule SizeCapsule Name
Iced Latte1 Lungo or 2 Espresso podsFreddo Delicato/Barista Creations/Tokyo Vivalto Lungo
Iced Americano1 Lungo or 1 EspressoFreddo Intenso/Cape Town Envivo/Arpeggio
Iced CappuccinoEspressoBarista Creations
Iced Flavored Coffee*Flavored Espresso or Medium intensity espressoBarista Creations/Genova Livanto/Venezia
*note that using a flavored Nespresso capsule only adds a hint of flavor, as the capsules do not contain any additives or artificial flavors. Use syrups or sauces to enhance the flavor of your coffee.

Capsule Recommendation For Vertuo Machines

DrinkCapsule SizeCapsule Name
Iced Latte1 Double EspressoIce Leggero
Iced Americano1 Coffee or 1 Double EspressoIce Forte / Ice Leggero
Iced Cappuccino1 EspressoBarista Creations/Voltesso/Altissio
Iced Flavored Coffee*1 Flavored Coffee CapsuleTropical Coconut Over Ice/Vanilla Custard/Caramel Cookie

About the Author


Enjoying coffee, one pod at a time. Bringing all my coffee expertise to this blog.

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